Welcome to the Heywood Parish Council Website
On our website we outline the role and services provided by the Parish Council along with details of our councillors. We provide you with the dates of our meetings and copies of the agendas and minutes.
It is our intention to encourage more residents to play an active role in the community, to participate in more activities,
and to attend Parish Council Meetings.
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Any updates happening in the area will be listed here.

Parish Council Meetings. The next meetings are: January 13th, February 10th, March 10th and April 14th. Although there are Elections on May 1st the May meeting should still be May 12th which will also be the Annual Parish Meeting.

From Suzanne Wickham - February 2025
I would like to update the residents of Ethandune on a significant new policy that the Government has recently announced that will impact on the way Local Government operates in the future.
HM Government believes that Strategic Mayoral Authorities (SMAs) will promote economic growth raise living standards and have therefore required Local Authorities to engage with their Devolution Framework, set out in the ‘English Devolution White Paper’. This was communicated to Local Authorities (LA’s) in December 2024 with a deadline of 10th January 2025 to put forward their proposals.
Wiltshire, Somerset and Dorset Council Leaders have put forward an Expression of Interest for the ‘Heart of Wessex’ SMA. This proposal is not a merger of the three Councils as each will remain independent, continuing to serve their local communities. The Mayor will have powers over strategic planning, housing, transport, skills, employment support and local growth plans.
Wiltshire Council held an extraordinary meeting on 9th January. There was only one item on the agenda which was to debate the following motion:
That Full Council supports the intention of the Leader to write to the relevant Minister seeking inclusion in the Devolution Priority Programme.
Councillor Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council, stated that although he did not agree with the Mayoral system, the Government has made it clear that Councils who delay the process risk losing out on vital funds to provide services for our residents, and losing the ability to choose who to align with, as the Government will decide the outcome for any LA who has not engaged with this process.
During the debate there was broad consensus across all parties, the Conservative administration, and opposition Liberal Democrats, Labour and Independent Councillors, that this was the right course of action, for Wiltshire Council, even though no one felt that this process represents true devolution.
Almost all speakers stating that they did not agree with this process but felt that the ‘Heart of Wessex’ is preferable to the potential of an unsuitable alliance with other LA’s being forced upon us.
All Councils retain their autonomy, but with additional powers and funding through participation in the Devolution Priority Programme, the Government believes that the rapid establishment of a Mayoral Strategic Authority will see opportunities for Mayors to deliver their priorities, and they see this as a transfer of power from Westminster.
No final decision has been made as this is the beginning of the Devolution Priority Programme which aims to deliver Mayoral elections in May 2026. There are currently other LA’s in our region who have not begun this process, so there is a lot of ‘working out’ still left to do.
You can find a lot more information on GOV.UK where their ‘Devolution Revolution’ is explained in greater detail.
Please contact me if you think I can help with any local issues.
Best wishes
Suzanne Wickham
Wiltshire Councillor – Ethandune
Email: Suzanne.wickham@wiltshire.gov.uk Tel: 07967 213336